sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011


Usamos o Imperativo para dar “ordens”, “avisos”, fazer “oferecimentos”, “sugestões” ou “pedidos”.
Ex. Be quiet! (order ) (Estejam quietos!)
Stop! The car is coming! ( warning ) ( Pare! Um carro vem vindo!)
Have some more tea! (offer) (Tome um pouco mais de chá)
Try engineering, Brian! (Suggestion) ( Tente engenharia, Brian)
Open the door, please! (request) (Abra a porta, por favor!)

Dos and Don’ts                                                                 


Read the following text:

  1. O imperativo apresenta apenas uma flexão na forma afirmativa e outra na forma negativa. É feito com o verbo no infinitivo sem to. Ex.

a) Imperativo afirmativo: Ex.
Check your reading! (Verifique sua leitura!)
Practice with a partner! ( Pratique com um colega!)

b) Imperativo negativo: ( do+not (don’t) + infinitive).Ex.
Don’t smoke in here! ( Não fume aqui!)
Don’t talk to the driver! ( Não converse com o motorista!)

  1. O imperativo é usado com:

a) A segunda pessoa do singular ou plural. (you)
Brian, fight for it! – Brian, lute por isto! (afirmativa)
Girls, don’t fight for it! – Garotas, não lutem por isto! (negativa)
b) A primeira pessoa do plural (we)
Let’s think about it ! Vamos pensar sobre isto! (afirmativa)
Let’s not think about it! (negativa)
c) Com o verbo let
( let + objeto direto + verbo principal).
Let me try again! (Deixe-me tentar de novo!)
Let me go now! (Deixe-me ir agora!)
Let the dog eat! (Deixe o cachorro come!)
Let him try! (Deixe o tentar!)
Let Janet sleep! (Deixe Janete dormir!)
( don’t + objeto direto + verbo principal ).Ex.
don’t let you go! (Não se vá!)
don’t let them stop! ( não deixe-os parar!)
don’t let us succumb to temptation! ( Não nos deixe cair em tentação!)

Weight loss, Diet & Nutrition Info          





Do’s and don’ts in a diet

Eat fiber. We digest protein more slowly than carbohydrates and fat, so it takes fewer calories to fill you up.
DON'T miss out on sleep. Recent studies show that sleep deprivation can make you fatter. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more ghrelin, a hormone that makes you hungry, and less leptin, a   hormone that increases satiety.      
Learn to Love Vegetables.  Vegetables fill you up without filling you out.
DON'T eat standing up. When you eat only in a particular place, your brain doesn’t associate other places with food, and the bodily signals that stimulate appetite are activated less frequently. 
Before You Dine Out, Eat In. Try eating some nuts before leaving the house; the protein helps control your appetite.
DON'T eat in the dark. In the light you feel more embarrassed if others watch what you eat. Also, you can’t see your food and how much you’re eating.                                                                  
                                                                                                                       Adapted from:




1/2 cup butter
2 squares unsweetened chocolate
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, well beaten
1/2 teaspoon
3/4 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Melt butter and chocolate together in a large saucepan.
Remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients.                                                                                               
Pour into a greased 8-inch square pan.
Bake at 350 degrees F. for 25 to 30 minutes.
Cool and cut into squares.



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