sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

Do you know how can we be successful?

Do you know how can we be successful?
When Moses died just before the entranceof Palestine, Joshua was appointed to be theleader to take the children of Israel to get the land. We can see in the text (Joshua 1:1-9) that Joshua became the leader of the people, but it was a difficult task to face. I mean a great challenge. How could he be successful in his plan? So, in that moment God sent his word to him. From his experience we extracted three teachings to our lives.
1st. When God appointed us to dosomething in his work he gives us strength. He said to Joshua in the verses 6, 7, 9 and 18 "Be strong and courageous"(…)cause the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. When God send hisword to us, besides, comes from him power, strength and wisdom. He is faithful.He won't let us be ashamed. He will fulfill all his promises.
2nd. to accomplish what God has told us to do, we need to obey him. He said to Joshua on verse 7:"Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. If God has told you to do something, be obedient, because many blessings will come with it. "Have I not commanded you?
3rd. to be a good leader we need to develop intimacy with him. When we have intimacy with other person we know his plans, thoughtsetc. If we have intimacy with God, if we seek for him through the Bible, we will listen his voice, know his will and his plans, because the Bible is his word revealed. And we know that his willis good, pleasing and perfect for us. God said to Joshua on verse 8: "Do notlet this book of the law depart form your mouth; meditate on it day and night..." Would you like to be a successful man or woman? Let's learn through Joshua experiencewritten on the Bible. This was what we learned last week on our English worship Service. So, if you want to learn more. Don't forget to come to our Church on Sundays at 6 Pm. Join us! You are always welcome.
Pr. Eduardo P. Gomes

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